Saturday, April 4, 2020

Studying at the Ohio University Chemistry Department

Studying at the Ohio University Chemistry DepartmentThe Ohio University Chemistry Department is a highly regarded institution in the fields of science and education. This department is extremely active in the areas of research, teaching, and a community program which have fostered the future leaders of this great state. This university chemistry program provides excellent courses for all of the students, in both the undergraduate and graduate level.There are several different programs offered through the Chemistry Department of the Ohio University. Students can enroll in either the bachelor's or master's degree programs. There are also available online classes, which are available on the Ohio University website. You will find that each of these programs offer different degree options as well as being offered with different tuition rates.If you're thinking about studying Chemistry at the university level, here are some things that you should know about this program. The faculty member s at the Ohio University Chemistry Department are highly regarded, and you'll find that many of them have been awarded prestigious awards. Also, the college itself has a long history of producing world-class scientists. Here are a few different program options to consider for each class.With your bachelor's degree in the field of Chemistry, you can continue into a PhD program in the area of chemistry, or even an Applied Sciences course. An advanced degree in the area of Chemistry would be necessary if you want to focus on a specific field of Chemistry. You can get a Master's degree in Chemistry, which would allow you to teach, conduct research, and keep up to date with what's happening in the field. To get a PhD, you need to also go to grad school, and have other courses completed. In order to do this, you'll need a doctorate degree, which is not really within reach for most people.Online options to getting a Master's degree in Chemistry include online courses that are offered throu gh the colleges and universities across the United States. These courses are generally set by the universities themselves, and you will need to meet the admission requirements for the program to be accepted. While there are a variety of programs to choose from, you can expect that you will need to study a course amount in this area of Chemistry.Once you've chosen a degree program online, you will need to work out the costs. Some universities that offer online programs charge much less than others, and you should try to check that the program is accredited by the American Association of Universities. This will give you an idea of how reputable the college is. Although it's nice to have an accredited program to work with, you should still check the reviews and testimonials from previous students in the course.When you're considering the online options for you degree, make sure that you're taking advantage of what the college has to offer. Don't feel like you're just getting a degree b ecause you want to earn some extra money, but rather feel like you're earning something you will be happy with once you finish. After all, earning a degree in chemistry is one of the biggest career goals for many people today.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Day in the Life at University of Virginia

A Day in the Life at University of Virginia The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Ali graduated from the University of Virginia in 2013 with a Bachelors degree in Drama and Arts Administration. She is a New York City tutor who specializes in SAT prep tutoring, ISEE prep tutoring, SSAT prep tutoring, Writing tutoring, and more. See what she had to say about her undergraduate experience: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. How urban or safe is the campus? Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Ali: The campus (or The Grounds as we refer to it at UVA) is completely accessible without a car, but the free University Bus Service runs regularly around Grounds in case you dont feel like walking or need to make a quick class change.First-years arent allowed to keep a car in Charlottesville, but many upperclassmen choose to bring one once they move off-campus.Lack of parking on Grounds makes it pretty inconvenient to drive to class, but having a car makes grocery shopping, traveling to/from school, and exploring Cville a bit easier. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Ali: No matter what, someone will be there to help you! Who you go to for assistance will probably depend on the class size. In my seminars or smaller lectures, professors were always readily available.It might be a bit more difficult to schedule a meeting with the professor from a 250-person lecture, but certainly not impossible!In that scenario, youll generally have a smaller discussion section and/or a teaching assistant; my TAs were always easily accessible and happy to answer my questions. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Ali: All first-year students are required to live in dorms and there are two first-year housing complexes on Grounds: McCormick Road or Old Dorms, and Alderman Road or New Dorms. Most students prefer Old Dorms because of their convenient location, but others like New Dorms for their more modern amenities (air conditioning, newer study rooms and laundry facilities, etc.). VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Ali: Economics, Psychology, Biology, International Relations, and Business are UVAs largest majors; however, Im not sure if that makes them any better represented or better supported than any other departments. I had fantastic experiences with Mathematics, Politics, English, and Religious Studies courses as well! As an undergraduate, I created my own major in Arts Administration and Non-Profit Management through UVAs Interdisciplinary Studies program. The program allows you to design your own curriculum, drawing from classes in a variety of academic departments. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Ali: All first-years live together in dorms, so its pretty easy to befriend other students on your floor or your hall. About 30% of UVA students join Greek life, so the majority of students are not in fraternities or sororities even though the schools social reputation suggests otherwise. Many think of UVA as an Old South school, but in reality, the social scene is hugely diverse; whoever you are and whatever your interests, theres a place for you! I joined a sorority in my first year and loved it, but many of my close friends did not participate in Greek life. Its a great way to meet people, but definitely not required to build a circle of friends. VT: How helpful is the Career Center and other student support services? Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Ali: I used the Career Center for advice regarding cover letters and resumes while applying to summer internships; they were very helpful! VT: How are the various study areas such as libraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Ali: Most students study at home, in libraries, or in nearby coffee shops. There are three main libraries; all are very cozy and useful for different reasons. I generally studied in Alderman or Clark, but I did pull a few late nights at Clemons (open 24 hours from Sunday through Thursdayif youre in a time crunch).Study spaces get a bit crowded around midterms and finals, but I was always able to find a spot! VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between? To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Ali: A small city at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Charlottesville has it all: a bustling downtown area with a great music and arts scene, gorgeous hiking trails in the surrounding countryside, tons of incredible restaurants, a rich local history, and more. Students really take advantage of everything the town has to offer; it was a fantastic place to go to school! VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Ali: We have around 21,000 students in total, about 14,000 of which are undergrads. Your class sizes will depend on your major and the level of the class; introductory classes are generally pretty large, but class size quickly shrinks as you begin to take intermediate and advanced level seminars.Most of my classes had 8-25 people in them. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one you regret the most. Ali: I loved Theology, Ethics, and Medicine taught by James Childress. The course inspired interesting and profound discussions about religion and politics with regards to biomedical ethics. I took it as an elective in my first semester and would highly recommend it to any incoming student! Check out Alis tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What is it Like to Attend Emerson College

What is it Like to Attend Emerson College Sarah is a current senior at Emerson College. She is majoring in media production, and specializes in creative writing tutoring, AP US Government tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Emerson College: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Sarah: Emerson College is located in the heart of Boston, across from the Boston Common. Theres no real campus; the city is our campus! In such an urban setting, its a little more important to be aware of your surroundings, but Ive always found it very safe. Theres also an amazing public transportation network available to students, with three subway stops very nearby and plenty of public buses. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Sarah:Professors are guaranteed to have office hours, and most are incredibly willing to meet with students outside of class. Advisers also have open office hours, and you can schedule meetings with them ahead of time as well. Theyre a great resource. Ive personally found my adviser and professors incredibly available. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Sarah:Emerson has four different dorms, each with their own unique offerings. Most are fairly new, and have cozy suite-style living spaces. Freshmen and sophomores are guaranteed housing on campus, while juniors and seniors usually live in off-campus apartments. There are a variety of different dining options on campus. The food is standard college fare, meaning that its nothing fancy or incredibly delicious, but there is something for everyone. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Sarah:Emerson has a very small range of majors, as its a school dedicated exclusively to communications and the arts. The programs that they do have, though, are very strong. I am in the visual and media arts department, with a concentration in writing for film and television, and I think its a great program. The faculty are very talented and knowledgeable, with lots of impressive experience in the industry. Theres plenty of first-rate technology available to student filmmakers at the college. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Sarah:I found that it was pretty easy to meet people at Emerson after I got involved on campus. Most people here are incredibly invested in their extracurriculars, so if you participate in organizations that involve things youre passionate about, youll meet a lot of talented people with the same interests as you. Greek life is also pretty popular at Emerson, but not in the traditional sense; most fraternities and sororities are professional, not social, organizations. If youre interested in Greek life, its still a great way to meet like-minded people and gain professional skills and connections. How helpful are the Career Centerand other student support services? Sarah:The Emerson career center is super helpful. Theyre a great connection to jobs and internships, both for students and alumni, and theyre always willing to meet with students to look over resumes or help with career planning. In addition, many top companies, both in Boston and on Emersons Los Angeles campus, look specifically to recruit Emerson students, especially at the multiple job and internship fairs that Emerson holds every year. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Sarah:There are definitely enough study areas at the school for every student to find a spot, with plenty of labs and student lounges. The campus library is small in size, however, and closes at 11:00 p.m. or earlier most nights. The Boston Public Library is also only a short walk away and is an amazing facility that lots of Emerson students take advantage of as a study spot. Describe the surrounding town. Sarah:Boston is a fun college city, and its where most Emerson students spend their free time. There are plenty of awesome places to shop and eat, and the local music scene is great as well. Another good thing about Boston is the number of other colleges nearbythere are always new college students to meet and new places to go. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Sarah:My largest class so far only had about forty students, and most of my classes have had ten to twenty students. Ive gotten to know many of my professors and classmates really well, and even though my department is the largest in the school, I still feel that its very close-knit. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Sarah:Emerson is a liberal arts school with a strong oratorical tradition. As a result, all students are required to take a class in Speech Communication. At first, I was not excited about taking this class at all. I didnt feel it really pertained to my major, and I was pretty confident in my public speaking skills already. However, the class was so small and close-knit, that I ended up making many close friends, and I found that my speaking skills actually improved dramatically. Check out Sarahs tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

A Guide to Commonly-Confusing Punctuation Part 2

A Guide to Commonly-Confusing Punctuation Part 2 Do dashes depress you? Are you boggled by brackets? Never fear! Part oneof this guide to commonly confusing punctuation explored three of the most commonly-confusing punctuation marks, and clarified why and how they are used. Now its time to studyup on the em dash, the en dash, the hyphen, and the bracket. Read on for part two of this guide to commonly-confusing punctuation: 1. Em dash The em dash is a long dash () that can be used to separate a thought from a sentence. Consider this example: After spending two hours delivering papersall 25 of themhe went home for lunch. In this sentence, the em dash is used in place of parentheses to include optional information in a sentence that would have been clear without it. The em dash can also stand alone, like this: It took two hours to deliver the papersall 25 of them. 2. En dash The en dash () is another commonly-confusing punctuation mark. It looks very much like an em dash, except that it is slightly shorter. The en dash is used to indicate time spans or date ranges, such as the 20112012 school year. It can also be used to show a connection, such as a New YorkLos Angeles flight. 3. Hyphen Unlike the previous two dashes, the hyphen has one specific use, which is to create compound words or terms. For example, you would use a hyphen to form words or terms like check-in or to-do. In some cases, hyphens are used to compound several words, like mid-to-late. This arrangement indicates that these three words go together and are referring to a single thing, like mid-to-late century. Improving your understanding of punctuation and your writing skills won't happen overnight, but this list of simple ways to improve your writing skillswill help you get on the right track. 4. Brackets Like the hyphen, brackets or [ ] tend to have one specific use, which is to indicate additional or added information. For example, if you needed to shorten a quotation, you might use brackets to add a certain word so the quotation still makes sense, like this: As a student, Addams revealed other traits [which] seemed to result from her considerable intellect. In this example, the ellipsis () indicates that a portion of the original text has been removed, and the brackets indicate that a word was added in order for the statement to flow properly. Another common use of brackets is in quotations where the term sic is placed within the brackets. The term sic is used to indicate that the preceding word or phrase is spelled incorrectly, contains an improper use of grammar, or is otherwise used unusually, and it is placed in brackets to indicate that it has been added to the quotation by an editor or someone other than the original writer. Brackets can also be used to add information inside a set of parentheses. This avoids having parentheses within parentheses, which can be confusing to the reader. There are many more complex and case-specific uses of the above commonly-confusing punctuation marks, but these basic rulesshould help you with your writing. You may also find these 7 tips to improve your grammar skillshelpful as well. It is important to note that, especially in the case of the dashes, some of these marks are not used in traditional ways when utilized online. Website coding and font may keep a writer from using an em dash, so do not be surprised if you see several hyphens or an en dash with spaces around it. Awriting tutor can help you master these concepts and provide guidance in other areas on your writing as well.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

8 Showstopping Songs to Sing for a Talent Show

8 Showstopping Songs to Sing for a Talent Show Megan L. Looking for good songs to sing at a talent show? Talent shows are a great opportunity not just to show off your vocal abilities, but also to express yourself. Check out the list below for some of the best talent show songs that span across genres and skill levels! The Top 8 Talent Show Songs “Firework” â€" Katy Perry This song is great for showing off a strong middle range without going too low or high. It’s a popular enough hit that commercial karaoke tracks should be easy to find, and piano sheet music is available if you have an accompanist. This song has a spunky, pulsing dance beat, along with a motivating message, making it perfect for young audiences. For more good talent show songs for mid-range female vocals, check out artists like Taylor Swift and Adele. “Big Yellow Taxi” â€" Joni Mitchell You might know it from the Counting Crows cover, but the song “Big Yellow Taxi” and its heartfelt environmental statement go back a long way! This song can work for any vocalist, and can be sung in a fairly narrow range, making it pretty easy to perform. And if you play guitar, this song is great for playing and singing at the same time! Reach back in time to some retro music by listening to Joni, along with other artists from the Woodstock era, and you’ll find plenty of ways to make this message heard in your talent show. “Take Me Home, Country Roads” â€" John Denver Folk rock songs are generally pretty well-liked by audiences. Theyre a good choice for male and female singers alike, and most are relatively easy to play. “Take Me Home, Country Roads” is another good one for playing guitar and singing at the same time. It’s versatile enough to perform with friends, or even add harmony with multiple singers. You might also like some of Cat Stevens songs, or Simon Garfunkel (check out “The Sound of Silence,” or their rendition of “Scarborough Fair” for more ideas). “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” â€" Green Day While pop-punk and hardcore punk are very different, Green Day revitalized punk flavors for a generation. This is one of their calmer songs, and ideal for any tenor vocalist. (Of course, it can also be transposed for other ranges, especially if you have friends playing backup instruments.) This is also a good example of a rock song that would translate well to an acoustic arrangement. For another softer Green Day song, consider “Time of Your Life.” Other punk artists who have good songs to sing at a talent show include Bad Religion, Flogging Molly, and Social Distortion. “Make em Laugh” â€" Singin’ In the Rain Are you looking to spice up your act with some movement and acting? Look no further than musical theater! “Make em Laugh” is the song from an iconic scene in the Gene Kelly’s film Singin’ in the Rain, featuring some of the best-executed physical comedy ever to hit the screen. Plus, it’s perfect to incorporate your own unique style! Fans of modern theater will also know songs like “Defying Gravity” from WICKED and “Seasons of Love” from RENT â€" or, look up stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood, like Shirley Temple and Judy Garland. Fast talkers will perhaps like the Modern Major Generals song from Pirates of Penzance. Your choices in the realm of musical theater are practically endless! “Come Sail Away” â€" Styx The ‘80s and late ‘70s were full of music that is instantly recognizable, and Styx is one of the best-known artists of the era. Their song “Come Sail Away” is perhaps one of their most memorable, along with hits like “Renegade.” Dennis DeYoung’s lyric tenor range makes Styx’s music particularly good for female vocalists with a strong alto edge, and “Come Sail Away” can be performed to show off your vocal range, as it encourages great flexibility. Songs like this are especially good for singing with a group of friends! Other hits in this niche include Heart’s “Barracuda,” “Roam” by the B-52s, or “Carry On Wayward Son” by Kansas. “Crimson and Clover” â€" Joan Jett the Blackhearts You know Joan Jett from the iconic “I Love Rock n’ Roll,” but she’s not known as the Queen of Rock for one hit! “Crimson and Clover” is a beautiful piece, and also check out “Bad Reputation.” For more great talent show songs that are perfect for husky vocals (and impressing everyone with your taste) look into anything by Aerosmith or AC/DC. Joy To The World Three Dog Night Speaking of how everyone loves rock and roll, this well-loved classic is sure to get audiences moving, clapping, and singing along! It’s an ideal song for involving a guitar and a drum set as backup, or you can probably find accompaniment tracks for this as well. If you play piano, rock and roll is a great genre to find songs that sound just as groovy as they do classy when translated to your instrument. Final Talent Show Tips When you’re learning to sing, performance experiences like talent shows are a crucial part of your development, and choosing your repertoire wisely is crucial. If you enjoy singing, consider taking voice lessons  for the next step toward improving your craft! A voice teacher can help you select songs that are appropriate for your skill level, range, and style, as well as help you achieve your overall music goals. Above all, be yourself, and enjoy what you do on stage â€" that’s what your audience will respond to the most! Good luck on your journey to choosing the perfect talent show song. What other good talent show songs did we miss? Leave a comment with your favorites below! Want even more song ideas? Check out our list 400+ songs to sing here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by: Jack Newton

An Argument for Online GMAT Tutoring

An Argument for Online GMAT Tutoring GMAT MBA Admissions Blog Let’s start with a brief exploration of online tutoring in general, before tackling the question of why and how to pursue online GMAT tutoring. In a sense, online tutoring is a bit like online shopping. In the early days of the internet, circa 1995, if you listened to the hype, you would have thought that people were going to be doing all of their shopping online within 5-10 years. It seemed inevitable. It’s now been over 20 years, and we aren’t really close to that “100% online” scenario. On the other hand, if you think about how much online shopping we do indeed do, you realize the internet has fundamentally changed the way we shop in significant, positive ways: it’s a) much more convenient and b) has increased competition and lowered prices. What are the major general benefits of online tutoring vs. in-person tutoring? In general, there are three major benefits to online tutoring relative to in-person: a) convenience b) the ability to review the session in video or written form and c) pricing. I won’t go into too much detail here, but consider an in-person tutoring session. One or both parties (student and tutor) must leave their house, travel to a different location, and meet to conduct the tutoring. Information may be written down on paper, or spoken in real-time. Not all that is spoken is captured however, and the danger of losing the paper used during the session is always there. A lot can potentially be forgotten or lost. Online tutoring solves most of these problems, particularly if you use a virtual whiteboard that creates a PDF of the session, and records the entire experience for later review. In this article, Studiosity suggests that some students actual prefer to seek help electronically. That said, I see a few reasons why online tutoring didn’t gain faster traction and still has its detractors: The human element is hard to ignore for some people. There certainly is something to the physical connection of discussing an issue face-to-face. It’s why businesses continue to spend so much on airlines and hotels when WebEx meetings have been around for 15 years. Connectivity issues were a significant barrier for many years. If both parties didn’t have a fast-enough internet connection, listening to your tutor’s voice and following what is being written on the whiteboard would be buggy, slow, etc. Lack of comfort with technology is a significant barrier for some people. Online tutoring does require some amount of “set up,” software downloading, etc., there are enough barriers for that person to shy away from giving it a try. The ability to write well online was certainly lacking for a period of time, and drawing figures or doing math problems with a mouse doesn’t work very well. Even as tablets became more available and less expensive, the ability for any given tablet to interface with any given combination of computer, web-chat service, and whiteboard is still sometimes questionable. Reviewing notes was historically, something that was much easier to do “offline” by looking at the physical paper you worked on with your tutor. However, almost all of these barriers to online tutoring have been overcome, and new benefits have emerged. The human element is still an issue and a major barrier for some people, but I’d argue that it’s essentially the only issue at this point. In 2017, most people under 40 have been around technology long enough that lack of comfort with the basic tools required to engage in online tutoring isn’t an issue. Connectivity and the ability to write are problems that have been solved with faster internet speeds and low-cost writing tablets. And now, new benefits have emerged. Many services allow you to save PDF copies of notes from online tutoring sessions, and the ability to record sessions in their entirety is now widely available. This means you can go back and recall exactly what the instructor was talking about and how a problem was solved. Why is online GMAT tutoring a particularly good idea? I see six major reasons that online tutoring is particularly attractive for someone studying for the GMAT: The GMAT is administered online. Certain tests, like the ACT or the SAT, are still given via paper and pencil. But that’s not the case with the GMAT. The GMAT is administered online. It’s quite a different experience than taking a test in person. You must choose answers using a mouse, and if you do need to write something down, you are given a little mini erasable whiteboard to use. Getting comfortable working through problems while you’re studying for the GMAT is going to increase your familiarity with the environment you’ll face when sitting for the actual test. Efficiency and flexibility is particularly important for most GMAT test takers. In general, if you are studying for the GMAT, you’re a motivated, young professional with an increasing amount of professional responsibilities. To build a solid resume and application, you should probably be engaged in leadership and community service activities as well, and of course everyone wants to maintain relationships with friends and family. Saving time on travel, and negotiating schedules due to travel, is more important than it might seem. It takes time and adds stress to the whole process of working with a GMAT tutor if you must coordinate travel and logistics issues. The GMAT is a particularly difficult test, one in which both content expertise and strategy is critical. Restricting your tutor options to those who are physically near you may put you at a disadvantage. By getting comfortable with an online approach, you can access the most qualified GMAT tutors in the world, instead of just who happens to be available near you. The range of content covered, and question types used on the GMAT is broad, from reading comprehension to mathematics to “data sufficiency questions” to the “integrated reasoning” section. As a result, it is often more helpful to have the ability to record a session and review it later when studying for the GMAT than it would be if you were studying for a different test. GMAT tutoring is expensive. Because working with an online GMAT tutor allows for a reduction in travel time, most tutors will accept lower hourly rates. Summary Online GMAT tutoring is more efficient than an in-person approach, and in some respects, more effective. If it’s something you’d at least consider, we think it makes sense to at least try it out. It could save you time and money, both of which you’ll need when you tackle the b-school application process.

5 Red Flags to Watch for this School Year

5 Red Flags to Watch for this School Year The school year is now in full swing and its natural for both children and their parents to quickly settle into autopilot mode. However,Elieen Huntington ofHuntington Learning Center cautions parents to pay attention to any academic warning signs that appear early in the school year. Many students experience ups and downs, but parents should watch for indicators of larger issues, says Huntington. The longer you ignore certain problems, the more likely they are to become worse and more difficult to correct. As your child navigates this school year, here are five academic red flags that warrant intervention: 1. Poor grades Of course, the biggest sign that things arent going well at school is your childs performance. An isolated poor grade shouldnt cause major concern. However, are you noticing consistently low grades or that your childs grades are dropping throughout the semester? Dont just pay attention at report card time. Keep tabs on daily and weekly assignments and projects and take note of any concerning patterns. 2. Homework taking a long time Many teachers give a time estimate at the beginning of the school year of how much homework their students should expect each night. How does your childs work time compare to this ballpark? If your child struggles to do homework independently or consistently takes longer than advised by the teacher to complete assignments, you should investigate. This might be a sign that your child doesnt understand what is being taught in class or is having trouble focusing or understanding directions. 3. Change in personality Mood swings are normal for any child, but keep an eye out for significant changes in your childs disposition and attitude. Is your typically happy child becoming sullen or angry as the school year marches on? Is your child slowly losing interest in school or even friends or activities he or she used to enjoy? In addition, are you noticing your childs grades suffering? 4. Negative self-talk Frustration with even small challenges could signify that your child has given up on a subjectand him or herself. This is common with children who are lacking building-block skills to keep up in the classroom and acquire new knowledge. Does your child seem pessimistic about his or her abilities? Does he or she become easily frustrated during homework time? 5. Disorganization Disorganization is a common problem for children, but does your child seem to struggle with it in more than one area? Pay particular attention to how your child keeps track of homework and assignments and maintains his or her backpack, desk and room. Lost homework and sloppy work are signs that your child lacks attention to detail, a challenge that will become more problematic in middle and high school. Huntingtonencourages parents to seek help sooner than later when they notice one or more warning signs. Most school issues dont go away on their own, she says. Poor grades are an obvious sign of difficulties in school, but there are many red flags to which parents should pay attention. Recognizing that something is amiss and taking action quickly could make all the difference. If your child appears to be struggling, call Huntington at1-800-CAN-LEARN to talk about how we can help your child turn things around. About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader.Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams.Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards.Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help at For franchise opportunities please visit 2017 Huntington Mark, LLC. Huntington Learning Center, the three-leaf logo, and 1 800 CAN LEARN are registered trademarks of Huntington Mark, LLC. Each franchised Huntington Learning Center is operated under a franchise agreement with Huntington Learning Centers, Inc.